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1999 Select Committee Inquiry into the Work of the HSE

In 1999, the Environment, Transport, and Regional Affairs Select Committee held an inquiry into the work of the Health and Safety Executive.

The CCA gave written evidence and was one of only five non-Governmental organisations to give oral evidence.

All the documents relating to this inquiry are set out below

CCA's Evidence to the Select Committee

  • Initial Written Submission to the Committee
    The evidence focused on research that had been undertaken by the HSE into the levels of investigation of reported injuries and the levels of prosecution and fines following death and major injury.

    To see a summary of this evidence, click here

    To download whole document, click on the images below

  • Supplementary Written Evidence
    The CCA then provided some further written evidence concerning the following issues:
    - Imposition of Safety Duties upon Company Directors
    - Conflicts of Interest
    - Use of the word "accident".
    - "Name and Shame"
    - Alternative punishments for companies

    To see this written evidence Click here

  • Oral Evidence to the Committee
    The CCA was asked to give oral evidence to the committee. David Bergman and Dr Gary Slapper gave the evidence.

    You can download the transcript of this if you click on the images below

    CCA Press Release, 2 Nov 1999

  • Addendum to the Oral Evidence
    Following the oral evidence, the CCA considered it necessary to clarify a number of points. These related to:
    - the nature of the CCA;
    - its relationship with lawyers
    "Top Ten" most Convicted Companies
    - Breach of HSC Enforcement Code and Code of Crown

    To see the document, click Click here

Written Evidence by other Organisations/Individuals

Click here to see their evidence

Oral Evidence by other Organisations
Supplementary Evidence

Click here to link.

Final Report of the Select Committee

Click here to Link.

Press Release 15 February 2000

Government Response to the Select Committee

Click here to Link.
Home -> Research & Briefings -> Government and Regulatory Bodies -> The Health and Safety Executive-> 1999 Select Committee Inquiry into the Work of the Health and Safety Executive
Page last updated on July 24, 2004