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Reporting of Work-Related Road Traffic Incidents
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Guidance to HSE Inspectors on when to intervene
in a work-related road traffic incident

Loading and unloading activities
General Likely
Most incidents involving loading and unloading were intended to be reportable under RIDDOR reg.10. Where a work-related road traffic incident results from a significant failure to manage the safety of a vehicle loading or unloading work activity HSE has a role. More generally HSE involvement will be most appropriate where the incident involves routine loading/unloading activity taking place in close proximity to employers’ premises. In such situations the employer will have knowledge of the risks involved and a good opportunity to ensure the safety of the activity. HSEs main interest is in the un/loading operation rather than the parking of the vehicle on the road. See also sections 20 and 35 below.
Outside LA Enforced Premises Likely
The present enforcement allocation legislation means that HSE will be the enforcing authority for loading and unloading of work vehicles on the public highway outside LA enforced premises. HSE should liaise with LAs and the Police about possible action in such cases and ensure that any underlying health and safety management failures are adequately resolved. The EA Regs are being revised.



Home -> Research & Briefings -> Government and Regulatory Bodies -> The Health and Safety Executive -> Reporting of Deaths, Injuries and other Incidents
Page last updated on March 13, 2005