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Reporting of Work-Related Road Traffic Incidents
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Guidance to HSE Inspectors on when to intervene
in a work-related road traffic incident


Vehicle Integrity and Maintenance
26. Security of Loads No
Load security is specifically dealt with by Section 40A of the Traffic Act and Reg. 100 of the Construction and Use Regs so police are capable of effectively dealing with the issue. HSE inspectors should generally resist taking an enforcement role in relation to this issue.
27. Vehicle emissions No
Vehicle Inspectorate Agency have powers to deal with vehicle emissions. Complaints should be referred to them or LAs where emissions causing nuisance at particular site.
28. Road Worthiness No
It is an offence under the Road Traffic Act.s.8 to use, or cause or permit the use of, a vehicle that is in a dangerous condition. Incidents involving road worthiness of vehicles are a matter for the police. The Vehicle Inspectorate Agency (VIA) also has role in enforcing Road Traffic Act provisions on the road worthiness of vehicles. OC 789/4 sets out present arrangements in relation to road worthiness issues.
29. Vehicle Maintenance/Servicing No
Inadequate or defective servicing of vehicles by garages and other vehicle servicers is a consumer issue covered by Trading Standards Officers. In addition there may be scope for Trading Standards officers to prosecute for poor servicing under the Road Traffic Act S.75 (supply of unroadworthy vehicle)
30. Maintenance of Vehicles not requiring MOT (i.e. specialist works vehicles) No
No Standards of road worthiness, causing danger to road users addressed by road traffic legislation
31. Working at Heights on tankers yes
These risks are not covered by road traffic law. Employers should establish safe systems of work for such activities. Vehicles involved in on the road work activities



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Page last updated on March 13, 2005