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Reporting of Work-Related Road Traffic Incidents
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Guidance to HSE Inspectors on when to intervene
in a work-related road traffic incident

Highway Design, use and Maintenance
41. Surface and condition of road including mud on the road No (Except Railway Inspectorate)
Covered by Highways Act (HA). One statutory function of highways authorities is to ensure people able to enjoy usage of roads. There is a specific requirement in HA s.161 relating to deposit of mud on the road. (The condition of the road surface at level crossings is a matter for RI)
42. Overhanging tress and other obstructions Possibly
Generaly these issues are covered by Highways Act but if the obstruction prevents safe access/egress from the workplace then discussion/action with the dutyholder will be appropriate.
43. Changes to routes and expansion of roads e.g. use of hard shoulder as carriageway No
Clear DfT (and agencies) remit. Highways Agency and police play an important role.
44. Changes to road layout, diversions and road closures Possibly
Matters for Highway Authorities and Police. Traffic Regulations Orders issued by Highway Authority. Designers should consider the safety of those carrying out changes.
45. Speed limits, signage etc (for placing signs see 32 above No
Both employees and MOP affected. Statutory function of other Departments. Traffic Signs Regs and the Traffic Signs Manual Chapter 8 detail signing and site layout requirementsWhen introducing temporary speed limits in relation to road works the Police and Highway Authority must be consulted by the principal contractor.
46. Entrance Exist of workplaces Possibly
There may be knock on effects to internal road systems. Planning permission will normally be required which will involve LAs. CDM will apply to construction sites.
47. Road Partially completed e.g. house building Possibly
Depends on when hand over takes place and actual issue involved. Even prior to hand over may still be a “road” under the Road Traffic Act s.192.
48. Re-routing of public rights of way e.g. footpaths No (Except Railway Inspectorate)
This is a matter for the local highways authority. (Except where level crossings are concerned)
49. New roads and improvement schemes Possibly
Routes, capacity and layout are matters for the highway authority but CDM Regs likely to apply.






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Page last updated on March 13, 2005