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Reporting of Work-Related Road Traffic Incidents
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Guidance to HSE Inspectors on when to intervene
in a work-related road traffic incident

The appendix to Operational Minute 2003/103 provides detailed guidance to inspectors in relation to when they should intervene or not in a WRRTI. The HSE categories of possible WRRTI are set out below. If you would to read what else the appendix says about each of these categories, click on the hyperlinks

Vehicles Involved in on the road activities
32. Vehicles engaged in construction, demolition, alternation and repair or roads including placing and removing cones, warning signs Yes
Incidents where person injured as a result of construction, demolition, alteration or repair of the road, services and buildings/structures adjacent to roads are RIDDOR reportable. See MoU for Safety at Roadworks for demarcation. For other construction activities presumption is for some HSE involvement, if only technical support to others.
33. Hedge Cutting Yes
Incidents RIDDOR reportable. Employers should ensure safe systems of work in place.
34. Refuse Collection Yes
Safe systems of work are required to ensure safety of workers engaged in refuse collection. Injuries occurring during the loading of refuse onto refuse collection trucks will be RIDDOR reportable.
35. Stationery Vehicles involved in work activities on the road e.g. breakdown recovery, gully cleaning, repairs to lampposts Likely
Safe systems of work should be devised by the employer to ensure safety of employees and public. In some instances vehicles and/or attachments, eg winches, cranes etc will be used as work equipment. Danger to other road users caused by positioning of vehicle is a police matter.



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Page last updated on March 13, 2005