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Reporting of "Over-three day" injuries to workers
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The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations states that certain injuries that results in a worker being off work for more than three days should be reported to the authorities.

Section 3(2) of the regulations state that:

"where a person at work is incapacitated for work of a kind which he might reasonably be expected to do, either under his contract of employment, or, if there is no such contract, in the normal course of his work, for more than three consecutive days (excluding the day of the accident but including any days which would not have been working days) because of an injury resulting from an accident arising out of or in connection with work [other than a major injury], the responsible person shall as soon as practicable and, in any event, within 10 days of the accident send a report thereof to the relevant enforcing authority on a form approved for the purposes of this regulation, unless within that period he makes a report thereof to the Executive by some other means so approved."
On whether an injury is an 'accident' or not click here

This does not relate to members of the public.

The obligation to report excludes most
work-related road traffic deaths with a number of
exceptions. To see the exceptions click here.

It also excludes, over-three day injuries resulting from medial treatment, examination or treatment under the supervision of a registered doctor or dentist. Section 10(1) state that the requirements to report do not apply to

"an accident causing death or injury to a person arising out of the conduct of any operation on, or any examination or other medical treatment of, that person which is administered by, or conducted under the supervision of, a registered medical practitioner or a registered dentist"


Home -> Research & Briefings -> Government and Regulatory Bodies -> The Health and Safety Executive -> Reporting of Deaths, Injuries and other Incidents
Page last updated on December 11, 2004