Health and Safety Commission
Consultation on a new Enforcement Policy Statement
and Proposed New Criteria on the Investigation of
injuries (June 2000)
Please note that in January 2002, the HSC published
a new Enforcement Policy Statement.
To download, this document (PDF),
click here
To read a summary and analysis
of the New Enforcement Statement, click
The Revitalising Health and
Safety Strategy Statement stated at Paragraph 140
"The Government are concerned
at the relatively low level of prosecutions and
have asked the Health and Safety Commission and
Executive to consider how their existing prosecution
system can be strengthened, taking into account
the approaches of other regulatory bodies such as
the Environment Agency."
In June 2000, the HSC published
for consultation a proposed revised enforcement policy
Click here to download HSC Document

CCA Response (October 2000)
The CCA has many concerns about the proposed Statement
and has sent the following documents to the HSC and
HSE in response