CCA has published the following documents - all of which
can be downloaded from this website.
Alternatively, copies can be obtained from the CCA at
a cost of £5 each. If you would like us to provide
you with copies, please send us a letter (with your
address and setting out which publications you would
like) enclosing a cheque (for the appropriate amount)
making it payable to the 'CCA' and send it to The CCA,
Fourth Floor, 197/199 City Road, London EC1V 1JN.
- CCA Evidence to
the Select Committee's Inquiry into the work of
the Health and Safety Executive (Aug1999), 14pp
- CCA Response to
the "Revitalising Health and Safety" Consultation
Document published by the DETR (Sept 1999) 23 pp
- CCA Submission
to the Thames Safety Inquiry on "Why there
should be a Public Inquiry into the Marchioness
Disaster" (November 1999) 32pp
- CCA response to
the "Sentencing Advisory Panel's Consultation
on "Environmental Offences", (Nov 1999)
30 pp
- CCA response to
the Home Office Consultation on Reform to the Law
of Manslaughter (Sept 2000), 46 pp

- CCA response to
the HSC consultation on a new Enforcement Policy
Statement and proposed new criteria on the investigation
of Injuries (Oct 2000) 18 pp + 10pp
Document 2
- CCA response to
the HSC consultation on a Code on Directors Responsibilities
(May 2001) 25 pp
- CCA response to
HSC Consultation on information leaflet for bereaved
families (January 2002) 13pp