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Reporting of a Disease
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The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and
Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995
certain kinds of diseases should be reported.

The occupational diseases that must be reported are those specified in Schedule 3 of the Regulations but they must corresponding to a particular work activity that is also set out in the Schedule. To see the list of reportable diseases, click here.

Section 5 of the regulations makes it clear that the obligation to report is however dependent on confirmation by a registered medical practitioner that the particular disease is in fact one that is set out in Schedule 3.

If the person with the disease is an employee, the employer must have "received a written statement" from the medical practitioner. If the person is self-employed, the responsible person must have "been informed" by a registered medical practitioner - though it would be sufficient if the registered medical practitioner sent the report to the relevant enforcing authority.





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Page last updated on December 11, 2004