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CCA Report shows nearly 75% reduction in percentage of construction deaths resulting in conviction of company.

A report, researched by the Centre for Corporate Accountability for the building workers union, UCATT, and based on HSE's own figures, shows significant reductions in levels of convictions following construction worker deaths.

David Bergman, CCA's Executive Director said:

"The Health and Safety Executive must act urgently on the findings of this report to review the efficacy of its enforcement following fatalities. Patchy enforcement or systematic under-enforcement of health and safety law following deaths leaves bereaved people without the accountability they deserve, and puts all of us at risk by failing to provide an effective deterrent to companies whose actions can cost lives."

The report is based on data, accessed in January /February 2007 from HSE's own prosecution data base. At that time it was possible to do a search on the database to find out convictions resulting from deaths. One month ago, the HSE removed this search field.

To download a copy of the report, click here
To download a copy of the UCATT Press Release, click here

The Centre for Corporate Accountability is a human rights charity advising those bereaved from work-related deaths, and working on issues of safety, law enforcement and corporate accountability.

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Page last updated on May 2, 2007