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Treasury and Regulation
The Government's April 2004 budget speech contained an important section on the Government's policy on 'Regulation'.

The main points are as follows:

This year, each Government department will report on their 'regulatory performance'
The Better Regulation Task Force (BRTF) will analyse these reports. To read about the BRTF, click here
Each Department's regulatory performance will be taken into account in the 2004 Spending Review.(nb: this has now happened)
The Government has accepted all recommendations of a recent report by the Better Regulation Task Force called "Imaginative Regulation" - to read about this click here - and will now now promote "the use of alternatives to regulation" across Whitehall and the wider public sector
In future, any regulatory proposal likely to impose a major new burden on business will require clearance from the Panel for Regulatory Accountability, chaired by the Prime Minister, based on a thorough impact assessment of the proposal agreed by the Cabinet Office Regulatory Impact Unit, before the proposal is put to wider Ministerial approval.
The Panel will consider all such proposals in the context of Departments’ "previous regulatory performance and the overall burden of regulation across key business sectors".
The Government has asked Philip Hampton, former finance director of Lloyds/TSB, BT and British Gas, to consider, with business, regulators, and in consultation with the Better Regulation Task Force, the scope for promoting more efficient approaches to regulatory inspection and enforcement while continuing to deliver excellent regulatory outcomes.
To read more about the Hampton Review, click here

To read the full section from the Budget Report, click here.

To see the full budget report on the Treasury Website, click here

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Page last updated on July 20, 2004