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Labour Code - Employer Obligations
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The following duties are imposed upon employers

Obligation to report incidents

Section Obligation
80 Where any accident results in (a) death (b) any bodily injury (c) explosion (d) fire (d) forceful entry of water or fumes – the employer must send notice to the factory inspector within 48 hours.
81 Where any dangerous occurrence occurs as specified in the factory rules, this must be reported to the factory inspector within three working days,
82 Where any worker contracts a specified disease, the employer should inform the inspector in such form and time period as prescribed.

To download the text of these sections, click here

Health and Hygiene
In relation to Health and Hygiene, employers must

Section Duty
51 Ensure the cleanliness of the establishment;
52(1) Take effective measures to ensure that every workroom has adequate ventilation through the circulation of fresh air;
52(4) Where the nature of the work involves the production of ‘excessively high temperatures”, take measures to separate the process from the workers through insulation or other effective measures.
53(1) Where any process gives off dust or fume or other ‘injurious or offensive’ substance, take ‘effective measures' to prevent its accumulation in any workroom and its inhalation by workers including any exhaust appliance which should be fitted as near as possible to the point or origin of the dust or fume, and this should be enclosed as far as possible;
54 Take effective arrangements for the disposal of wastes and effluents;
56(2) Prevent over-crowding;
57 Provide Sufficient and suitable lighting;
58 Provide “wholesome pure drinking water” conveniently situated for all workers;
59 Provision of clean, ventilated and lighted latrines and urinals – separately for male and female workers.

To download the text of Chapter 5: Health and Hygiene, click here

In relation to Fire Safety
In relation to fire safety, employers must

Section Duty
62(1) Ensure that there is an alternative staircase connected to every floor as a means of escape when there is a fire;
62(3) Ensure that no exit doors are locked or obstructed whilst workers are inside the building, and all doors should open outwards unless they are sliding doors.
63(4) Ensure that every window or door that could be used for escape is marked red in Bengali
62(7) Ensure that where more than 10 workers are employed above ground floor, or where explosives or inflammable materials are used, all workers should be provided training or means of escape if there is a fire;
62(8) Ensure where more than 50 workers are employed, a demonstration of fire extinguishing must be held ,

To download section 62, click here

In relation to confined spaces
In relation to work in confined spaces, employers must;

Section Duty

In relation to work in confined space - ensure that no person shall enter any chamber, tank vat, pit or other confined space where dangerous fumes are likely to be present that will involve risks of people being over-come, unless:

(a) it is provided with an adequate sized manhole or other effective means of egress;
(b) all practicable measures have been taken to remove any fumes and to prevent ingress of other fumes, and either a competent person has provided a certificate saying that the space is free from dangerous fumes and is fit for a person to enter or the worker is wearing suitable breathing apparatus and is attached to a rope held by someone standing outside the confined space

77(4) Ensure that spare breathing apparatus, reviving apparatus, and belts, and rope is kept beside the confined space ready for instant use and that sufficient number of person are trained in the use of such apparatus and in the method of reviving apparatus;
77(3) Ensure that no person can enter any boiler, furnace etc or other confined space until it has been sufficiently cooled.

To download section 77, click here

In relation to other safety issues
In relation to the following safety issues, employers must

Section Duty
63 Ensure that dangerous part of any machinery – including flywheels, prime movers etc – are“securely fenced” though ‘substantial construction” when they are moving;
64 Where moving machinery must be inspected whilst in motion, ensure this is only undertaken by a ‘specially trained adult male worker’ with close fitting clothes, whose name has been recorded the register;
65 Ensure striking gear is provided;
65(2) Provide suitable devices in every workroom for cutting off power in emergencies from running machinery;
66 Ensure that precautions are taken relating to self-acting machines;
67 Ensure that all power driven machinery installed after the code shall have specified parts properly encased;
68 Ensure that all parts of a crane and other lifting machinery is of good construction sound material and adequate strength properly maintained, thoroughly examined by a competent person at least every 12 months, and should not be loaded beyond the safe working load which should be marked;
69 Ensure that every hoist and lift is:
(a) of good mechanical construction, sound material and adequate strength,
(b) properly maintained
(c) thoroughly inspected once every six months
(d) protected by an enclosure fitted with gates constructed to prevents any person from being trapped;
(e) has a cage fitted with a gate on each side from which access is afforded
(f) has gates which can only be opened when the cage is at landing, and must be closed before the cage can be moved.
70 Ensure that notices are affixed near every grinding machine - stating the maximum safety working speed of the grinding stone/abrasive wheel and other relevant information, and ensure that the speeds are not exceeded.
71 Ensure that effective measures are taken so that pressurised operations do not exceed the safety working pressure.
72(a),(c) Ensure all floor, stairs and gangways are “wide and obstacle free” and of sound construction, and where it is necessary to ensue safety, they are provided with ‘substantial handrails'.
72(b) Ensure so far as is reasonably practicable, safety means of access to every place where work is taking place;
73 Ensure that every sump, tank, pit, opening in the groups, or vessel which may be a source of danger is securely fenced;
75 Ensure that no person has to carry, move or load weights that are likely to cause him injury;
77 Ensure that all practicable measure to prevent any explosion from any dust, gas or vapour that could explode on ignition - through enclosure of the plant or machine, removal or prevention of the accumulation of the substance or enclosure of all possible sources of ignition
78 Ensure that where any explosive or inflammable gas or vapour is under pressure, particular is taken when opening it as specified

To download these sections, click here

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Page last updated on April 26, 2007