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HSE's Policy on Disclosure of Information to the public

This section of the website explains to you your rights to obtain information from the HSE and the process by which HSE must decide whether or not to provide you with that requested information.

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 is now in force (from 1 January 2005) and this has brought in significant changes to the way the HSE decides whether or not to release information to members of the public.

It has already resulted in the HSC and HSE taking proactive steps in making information that was already available, more easily accessible. So for example, copies of all its internal instructions and guidance etc are now available through its website.

To see what information the HSE now proactively provides
To see what information the HSC now proactively provides

However, we will have to wait and see whether or not the new Act - and in particular HSE’s interpretation of the public interest tests which are at the heart of the new Act - will now result in the HSE making information available that it used not to make available.

It also explains to you how you can make an appeal, first to an independent person within the HSE and subsequently to the information commissioner.

If you need any assistance in making an application for information from the HSE, you can contact us.

The CCA is trying to monitor how the HSE responds to information requests – so please e-mail us details of any requests that you make and the response of the HSE. If you have been provided with information in an electronic form and you willing for us to make it more public, we can put it on our website. We have created a special section of the site to allow this to happen. On this page you will also be able to see what information the CCA has requested from the HSE.

The FOIA 2000 and what information you can get from the HSE
The old policy in relation to the provision of information

If you just want to make a request for information to the HSE and dont want to read about the Act, click here



Page last updated on March 10, 2005